North & South Lodge, Gates & Drive
As well as the building of the main hospital, various other works were necessary, for example, an ‘approach road’ and the building of sandstone walls and two entrance lodges – known as North and South Lodge. Outside the Hospital entrance were bus stops from either direction, which made getting to the Hospital very convenient. On arrival at the Hospital, by whichever modes of transport, you were greeted by the beautifully designed gates with its Lodges on either side. At one point, there was a uniformed man on the gates as a 'gate keeper' and the staff living in the Nurses' Home had to be in by ten o’clock or they were locked out!!
North and South Lodges were accommodation for Hospital staff.
In 1901, the buttress wall was built to maintain the high embankment at the approach to the Lodge Gates on the West side of the main road (North Lodge side). Also in this year, inside lavatories were installed.
The Drive gave a beautiful approach to the main hospital - strategically placed Lime Trees from bottom to top on either side of the road. Although it was said that it could have an eerie feel to it at night.